The FCSI Sustainable Catering Equipment Award 2015 has been won by Meiko for its WasteStar CC pumped waste disposal system. FCSI was particularly impressed that WasteStar CC could be retrofitted relatively simply to existing kitchens.
The Foodservice Consultants Society International (UK & Ireland) is the premier association in the UK promoting professionalism in foodservice and hospitality consulting.
“I am delighted that the FCSI has placed food waste handling equipment at the top of their sustainability awards,” says Bill Downie, Meiko UK MD.
“We are beginning to see a move away from traditional methods of food waste disposal such as macerating units and Bio-Digestion systems that discharge the material into the main sewer system, into a nation that is embracing kerbside collection of food waste and the sustainable benefits this can deliver.
“By utilizing the latest generation of organic food waste handling and transport systems, traditional food waste bins holding can be totally eliminated from the kitchen floor plan and no food waste needs be sent to landfill.”